Domestic Trauma

Domestic Trauma comes in many ways, whether it is physically, spiritually, verbally or mentally. Have you ever experienced Domestic Trauma? Have you been so depressed you thought about giving up or taking your own life? Have you felt like everyone judges you based off your current situation rather than just listening? Has your abuser turned you away from friends and family? Do you feel trap? Ignored? Or have no one positive to turn to?

If you have answered “yes” to the above then this is for you.

We often look for love in the wrong places. Sometimes it comes from things we experienced in our childhood. Sometimes it is from daddy not being there so we lack the love of a father. Or better yet, maybe God placed me in this relationship. Maybe I need to endure hurt and suffer this in the beginning to receive a happily ever after. Sometimes we just have fantasies of what we envisioned for our lives thinking that someday we will have this perfect relationship. Then, there is a thought that you can help fix a person and mend their broken patches.

Let’s be clear we are not fixers. Your soulmate is not your project. We are not healers either, that’s all God. When God created a man in his own image he saw fit to give him a helpmate, (Genesis 1:27) not a punching bag. We are taught in church that the man is the head of the woman (Ephesians 5: 22-24). However, does that mean abuse or control? No, the man is the head of the household to take care, cherish, love his wife as Christ loves the church. What does this mean? Christ loves us, unconditionally. He looks out for us(protect). He provides a safe place for us (shelter), he feeds us so that we do not go without (nourishment for our bodies). A man that leads is too also provide a safe haven and to love their wives as they would their own bodies. Think about it like this……..Would your spouse do physical harm his/her own body?

It is time to know your worth, it is time to evaluate your life, time to love on self, time to give back to God, time to wait for God to send you your soulmate. When a man finds a wife, he finds a good thing Proverbs 18:22

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