How Thankful Are You?

As we are ending the month of November, there is so much to be thankful for. You got up this morning! Every morning you open your eyes is another chance to get it right. What am I thankful for? Let me tell you.

I am thankful for a peace of mind that I have the presence of God surrounding me. I am thankful that I was delivered from that awful abusive marriage I was in. I am thankful that I get to tell my story and help others dealing with traumatic stress. I am thankful that God loved us all so much that he died only to live forever and that we may have another chance to get it right.

John 13:34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another.

If you are in domestic situations, please love yourself enough to get out. Use your story to help others in the same. Find peace where your inner thoughts tell you that you are worthless or you’re not good enough.

You are a treasure! You are built for kingdom building. You are a self-reflection of your father in heaven!

What are you thankful for?


What’s Love?


Domestic Trauma